Therapy for Women

The Perpetual Point Person

Just another Sunday – no such thing as sleeping-in. You’re getting through the grocery shopping and laundry with hardly a moment to yourself.

Of course, weekdays aren’t any easier. After a long day at work, the rest of your evening is spent in a melee of homework, medical appointments, sports, and playdates.

Your significant other needs to work late, so you handle dinner, bath, and bedtime. No problem.

Everything to Everyone

In the middle of a heated discussion with your partner, your sister calls needing support and advice about her relationship. Cool, your life can wait.

3 PM on a Friday, your co-worker pops by your cubicle to complain about the boss.

You listen raptly with a time-sensitive assignment glaring at you from your screen.

After all, your co-worker’s feelings are important, right?

What about you?

With all the responsibilities you have with regard to other people in your life, do you ever find time for YOU?

After wrapping up all the loose ends at the office and replying to the 100 emails you got during the day, your dreams and ambitions all seem to drift just out of reach.

Exhaustion sets in, and there just isn’t energy left to even consider your own goals and desires. Everything that brings you joy and ignites your passion has become overshadowed by a giant ball of obligation and stress.

Forget about trying to eat well, exercise, and get good sleep. Now self-care has become a stressor, too.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret.


The way you feel matters. Your dreams matter. How you spend your time matters.

Under no circumstance, do you need to be superwoman, or put yourself last.

All those people will still love you if you do some things differently and take better care of yourself.

Not only that, but I bet they would be proud of you and inspired by you.

How in the world do I do that?

Don’t miss out on your life by only keeping other people afloat.

It’s easy to forget this – but you deserve the best.

You are a woman. You are a bad ass.

I will help you find the ‘you’ that brings you the most joy.

We will explore all the struggles specific to your life and find ways to rework how you approach them so that you will not be overwhelmed by the stress and demands of those you love.

I can help you build boundaries, set more realistic expectations, find where you can carve out time for your own needs and desires, and how to communicate this to the people in your life. 

I’m all in and ready to get to work. I hope you are, too!

Create space for yourself to shine while managing your responsibilities with less anxiety.

Through our work, you will discover the skills and vocabulary to protect your time and energy so that you can focus on the things that really light you up.

Contact me today to schedule a free consultation.