
This is exhausting!

Parenting is the hardest thing to do in the whole world.

It is a 24/7, around-the-clock deal with very few breaks.

And there is immense pressure on being a “good parent.”

Always One More Fire to Put Out

Each morning you wake up wondering how you’re going to survive another day of parenting.

The demands, the tantrums, their total inability to listen and follow directions – how does anyone find the energy to cope?

Already running 20 minutes late for work, you stop to wonder if your kids will ever put their shoes on themselves if you don’t ask them 35 times and then scream.


You resign yourself to the idea that you will forever be late to everything.

Alternating Between Stress and Sadness.

It’s been months – if not years – since you had a good night’s rest.

You’re eating like crap, and you rarely, if ever, get to exercise.

Forget about having a social life or even thinking about romance with your husband. The two of you are constantly irritated with each other, fighting about who is pulling the heavier load.

It’s not unusual to find yourself screaming into a pillow or crying in your closet.

Reclaim your joy.

Look, I know you love your children.

Their laughter, their joy when you pick them up from school, when they hug you and tell you that you’re the best mom in the world – all those moments set your heart ablaze.

They are the most wonderful thing you have ever made in your life.

Yet, you feel like you are failing them.

What’s Going on and What You Can Do About It

We can get into some unhealthy patterns when relating to our kids’ shenanigans. It’s difficult to see our own role in perpetuating these cycles of stress.

Gaining a better understanding of the developmental and behavioral choices of kids is a game changer.

In our work together, I can show you how to respond to your children in a more positive and understanding way, which will create the connections and changes that you have been craving for years.

Gain the Insights and Learn the Strategies

Create a more enjoyable parenting experience immediately.

Contact me today to set up a free 20-minute consultation.